Brown Bag Lunch Session: Electromagnetic Frequencies and Human Health
Ever wondered how Electromagnetic Frequencies can negatively effect human health? Ever wondered what we can do as a community to prevent EMF damage? Electromagnetic sources are present everywhere in our environment (nature-made and man-made) but are invisible to the human eye. What sort of effects can this cause to our wellness? How do we define Electromagnetic Frequencies? How can we incorporate this knowledge into a scope of practice that seeks to treat persons from all walks of life? Join us! Presenters: Tommy Hughes and Elaina McCormick.
Oct. 29, 12:15 p.m. | Room 324 | Info:
Campus Security Notice
On 10/11/19 a vehicle was stolen from a street near the academic building. The incident happened in the early afternoon and a suspect has not yet been identified. Do to the brazen nature of the crime it is important to remember to be vigilant when parking at or visiting the NUNM campus. Vehicle crime is a regular occurrence in Portland but various precautions can be taken to help prevent such incidents. A few strategies include:
- Park in well-traveled and highly visible areas.
- Always lock your vehicle.
- Report suspicious individuals on campus, especially those who appear to be loitering or peering into vehicles.
- After 5:00 PM feel free to move your vehicle into an unmarked available parking space, even if you do not have an NUNM parking permit.
- Never leave anything in your vehicle that could be considered valuable or contain possibly valuable items, such as backpacks, gym bags, purses, laptop bags, etc.
- Request escorts to or from your vehicle by the security staff. We also provide escorts to most of the bus stops in the area (up to one block off campus).
Thank you again for assistance with helping keep NUNM safe and secure.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact NUNM’s Campus Safety & Security.
Self-Defense Training for Students
Come join us for an evening of self-defense training. The training is tailored for any person, whether you are a novice looking to become familiar with some good techniques or a seasoned professional looking to practice your skills. Students only. More training opportunities may become available depending on interest.
Hosted by Chris Greene of Invictus Defense Academy
Chris has been a certified Krav Maga global instructor since July 2012 and has risen to the rank of Expert 1 awarded by Master Eyal Yanilov, and is the owner and chief instructor of Invictus Defense Academy, a KMG USA Affiliate. Chris serves on the Krav Maga Global USA National Team and was appointed as the lead law enforcement Krav Maga instructor for the United States. Chris specializes in combat fighting and law enforcement Krav Maga, and brings his 13 years of law enforcement experience to the training floor.
Friday, November 1st from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in room 107. Reserve your spot here
Tabling Opportunity: Fall Patio Party
NUNM’s next Patio Party will be a Fall and Holiday-themed Craft and Clubs Fair held inside the Academic Building on Friday, Nov. 8. The Office of Student Life is looking for clubs, student groups, offices and vendors who are interested in taking advantage of this tabling opportunity. Have information about upcoming events? Promoting your club to new members? The Fall Patio Party is the place to be! RSVP by Nov. 1 to save your spot!
Nov. 8 | Info: