Brown Bag Lunch Event: Electromagnetic Frequencies and Human Health

Hosted by the School of Graduate Studies and the College of Classical Chinese Medicine

October 29 | TUE | 12:15-12:45 PM | Q and A 12:45-1 PM

Academic Building: Rm. 324

Presenters: Tommy Hughes and Elaina McCormick

Ever wondered how Electromagnetic Frequencies can negatively effect human health? Ever wondered what we can do as a community to prevent EMF damage?

Electromagnetic sources are present everywhere in our environment (nature-made and man-made) but are invisible to the human eye. What sort of effects can this cause to our wellness ? How do we define Electromagnetic Frequencies? How can we incorporate this knowledge into a scope of practice that seeks to treat persons from a more holistic approach to health? Attend this Brown Bag Lunch Session and discover how EMF/EMR/ non-native EMF is defined, how it can cause detrimental effects to living organisms and how we can minimize human exposure to EMR. This presentation will also explore EMR in the 21st century and talk about what we can do as a community to create more awareness around Electromagnetic Frequencies. All persons in the NUNM community would benefit from this presentation and are welcome to attend.

Snacks and beverages will be provided on a first come first serve basis . Don’t forget to bring your lunch!